Voters want results and Democrats have proven themselves incapable of delivering much of anything. Now the voters in one state decide in anger to put the driver who drove the car into the ditch back in front of the steering wheel. The Democrats whose power in the Senate is diminished by just one percent immediately cave in and talk of backing off health insurance reform. Americans are looking for somebody who will stand up for them and fight to stop the ongoing rip off by Wall Street and health insurance companies. A minority of Americans like things as they are and yet they are still in control. This makes people angry and that’s what we saw in Massachusetts.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
We are a country of slow learners
We should never assume that angry people are rational. Massachusetts is a case in point. Conservatives are spinning the Brown election as the people voting against health insurance reform. Voters clearly wanted change when Obama was elected, yet conservatives have stood in opposition at every step along the way. The Republican strategy of saying no to everything a popular President wants seems on the surface to be irrational and destined to fail. It has not failed. Democrats have allowed it to succeed.
Voters want results and Democrats have proven themselves incapable of delivering much of anything. Now the voters in one state decide in anger to put the driver who drove the car into the ditch back in front of the steering wheel. The Democrats whose power in the Senate is diminished by just one percent immediately cave in and talk of backing off health insurance reform. Americans are looking for somebody who will stand up for them and fight to stop the ongoing rip off by Wall Street and health insurance companies. A minority of Americans like things as they are and yet they are still in control. This makes people angry and that’s what we saw in Massachusetts.
Voters want results and Democrats have proven themselves incapable of delivering much of anything. Now the voters in one state decide in anger to put the driver who drove the car into the ditch back in front of the steering wheel. The Democrats whose power in the Senate is diminished by just one percent immediately cave in and talk of backing off health insurance reform. Americans are looking for somebody who will stand up for them and fight to stop the ongoing rip off by Wall Street and health insurance companies. A minority of Americans like things as they are and yet they are still in control. This makes people angry and that’s what we saw in Massachusetts.