Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Broken Social Scene

I've been a fan of Broken Social Scene for years, actually got to hear them four or five years ago at the State Theater in Ann Arbor. This song is from a new album, no opinion yet but it's worth a listen.

Broken Social Scene is a group like Poi Dog Pondering in that there band members are constantly changing. The song below is one of my favorites from an earlier album when Fiest was in the band.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hummers are back -- at least a few are

Quick Links
Saturday Mornings
with host Roger Taylor answering all of your
birding questions
Call in at 382-4280 or 877-382-4280
Over the Garden Fence 9:07
with host Andy Wedel answering all of your
landscape and gardening questions
Call in at 382-4280 or 877-382-4280 
Wedel's News
                                       April 5, 2010
The Hummers Have Started Returning
Roger Taylor
9 to 9 banner
Our Ruby Throated Hummingbirds have made very fast northward progress over the past weekend. Most of the ground they've been able cover was due the strong southerly winds we saw Friday and again on Sunday. All birds, hummingbirds included, move with a tailwind.

Migration is a heroic undertaking in the first place let alone flying into a headwind. Birds are like surfers on the ocean in that they ride waves in the atmosphere just like waves on a body of water.

I've put my feeder out but a word of caution is appropriate. There are very few males this far north at this point. Don't be disappointed if it takes days perhaps weeks before you see a bird at your feeder. The females are two weeks behind the males so if your hummingbird is a late arriving female you might have to wait a month or more.

Don't let slow activity keep you from maintaining your feeder. If the nectar in your feeder has spoiled, hummingbirds quickly ignore that flower since the nectar is bad. Be sure to change your nectar every couple of days even in cool weather and more frequently if your feeder is in the sun and or if the weather gets hot. Don't snatch defeat from the mouth of victory by getting started early and then turning off your hummer when they finally arrive at your feeder.

  Note from the Editor
Occasionally we publish an Extra Edition of Wedel's News. If there is something we learn of that you should know or we think you would appreciate hearing about, you will receive a special copy of the newsletter.
This is one of the extra editions that is especially exciting for all outdoor enthusiasts since appreciation for our feathered friends is something gardeners have in common. Our hummingbirds are back! It's true, they aren't back in full force, but some of them have been spotted in our area so it's time to get our feeders out and to keep watch. We're excited with this news and we thought you'd be excited too. 
 'Til next time...

Gentle day's flower -
The hummingbird competes
With the stillness of the air.
-   Chogyam Trungpa