Note from the Editor
Occasionally we publish an Extra Edition of Wedel's News. If there is something we learn of that you should know or we think you would appreciate hearing about, you will receive a special copy of the newsletter.
This is one of the extra editions that is especially exciting for all outdoor enthusiasts since appreciation for our feathered friends is something gardeners have in common. Our hummingbirds are back! It's true, they aren't back in full force, but some of them have been spotted in our area so it's time to get our feeders out and to keep watch. We're excited with this news and we thought you'd be excited too.
Gentle day's flower -
The hummingbird competes
With the stillness of the air.
- Chogyam Trungpa
The hummingbird competes
With the stillness of the air.
- Chogyam Trungpa