Friday, February 26, 2010

Glenn Beck is selling food insurance AND gold

Glenn Beck Recommended! Food Insurance is the best at preparing you for the worst. See how we can help you.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hypocrisy right here at home

Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) Signed A Letter Hailing Stimulus Funds As An ‘Important First Steps For Individuals And Their Families.’ The letter, signed by other members of the Michigan congressional delegation, was sent to the Director of Recovery Auto Workers and Communities. [Letter from Michigan Delegation to Ed Montgomery, 5/6/09]
-Rep. Upton Voted Against The Recovery Package Twice [Roll Call Vote #46; Roll Call Vote #70]

Liner Notes - Spoon - Transference

It took me a couple of listens before I got my arms around Transference by Spoon. The album makes me smile every time I listen to it. They apparently understand that good music needs a sense of play and spontaneity, these guys actually sound like they are enjoying themselves. Their music has little to offer as little to offer when it comes to conventional song structure, but what was brought forward from their earlier stuff is a staccato beat driving their music. For what it’s worth this is my favorite album so far this year. A-

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Liner Notes - Beach House - Teen Dream

It’s as if Mazzy Star returned, I liked their gauzy sound and Beach House picks up where they left off. Teen Dreams is straighter forward than their previous albums with subtleties and nuance embedded in the music. Evolution instead of innovation makes Teen Dream a beautiful, very comfortable listen. Here we have the first album to be added to my Best of ’10 list. A-

There must be conservatives that aren't wackos but Rep.Steve King isn't the one

This guy not only thinks the terrorist attack on the IRS building with an airplane may have been justified but also thinks a national sales tax is a Fair Tax. Earth calling Steve King...

Monday, February 22, 2010

League of Conservations Voters 2009 National Environmental Scorecard


Carl Levin (D-MI) 100%

Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) 100%

House of Representatives:

Dale E. Kildee (D-05) 100%

Gary Peters (D-09) 100%

Mark Schauer (D-07) 100%  Local representative

Sandy Levin (D-12) 100%

Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-13) 100%

John Conyers, Jr. (D-14) 93%

John D. Dingell (D-15) 93%

Bart Stupak (D-01) 93%

Vern Ehlers (R-03) 50%  Retiring, Tie for best Republican environmental record

Candice Miller (R-10) 50%  Tie for Best Republican environmental record

Thaddeus McCotter (R-11) 36%

Fred Upton (R-06) 36%   Local representative

Mike Rogers (R-08) 21%

Dave Camp (R-04) 21%

Pete Hoekstra (R-02) 7%  Candidate for Governor

Stop Cabela's before they kill again