Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big money buying dirty air

Dear Roger,

Within a week, the Senate could vote to exempt the biggest global warming polluters from the Clean Air Act.
The Clean Air Act is under attack in the Senate!
The Senate is considering a proposal that would roll back the protections of the Clean Air Act, allowing corporate polluters to poison the air we breathe.
This effort is dangerous and wrong-headed. And, it is set to be voted on next week. Will you take urgent action and email your Senators today?
Click here to send a message to your Senators to ask that they vote NO on this dangerous amendment.
The amendment in question, drafted by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), would create a giant loophole in the Clean Air Act by blocking the EPA's ability to limit carbon pollution.  This would undermine Administrative efforts to control harmful pollution from cars and power plants and other major sources that contribute to global warming.
If passed, the Murkowski amendment would negatively impact our fight against global warming, undermining American energy independence and the creation of millions of clean energy jobs. Exempting the biggest sources of global warming pollution from the Clean Air Act would:
  • Compromise our ability to curb the catastrophic effects of global warming;
  • Delay our transition to a clean energy economy; and
  • Send a loud signal to other countries that the United States is not serious about combating global warming just weeks after President Obama helped secure an international climate deal in Copenhagen.
Send an urgent message to your Senators now.
Most shocking about this attempt to gut the Clean Air Act is news that two lobbyists who held senior posts at the EPA during the Bush administration helped craft the original amendment that Senator Murkowski planned to offer last fall, according to the Washington Post. The news report notes that Senator Murkowski’s “lobbyist allies” represent multiple clients with an interest in pending climate legislation.

We can't let dirty polluting interests roll back the protections of the Clean Air Act. The vote is imminent, so please take action right away.  


Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters